Envato Discounts for WooCommerce

Last Update
6 February 2013
Regular License

Envato Discounts for WooCommerce is a WordPress plugin that allows you to provide all of your Envato customers a way to register on your WooCommerece site, and get discount codes for buying your items. Super easy to use Shortcode is a one click insert from your editor! This is a great way to drive tons of sales to your own WooCommerce marketplace by providing incentive to your Envato buyers!

How It Works The shortcode will produce a registration form with a Purchase Code box. If everything checks out and the code is valid a user account on your site will be created, and if enabled a customized coupon code will get sent to the user. You can also enable a second coupon generator on the cart page to allow custom coupons for any custom with Purchase Codes for your items.


Takes 30 seconds to install! Just as easy to use as it is to install – just configure how you like and place the shortcode! Checks to make sure the user is an actual Envato customer of yours by validating the purchase code. You can also enable a second Purchase Code form on the Cart page of your site to offer all customers with a Purchase Code to your items a discount on your items. This can be customized separately as well. All purchase codes are logged and you can view all of their information and what user they are attached to from a search-able table. Give valid Envato customers a custom discount of your choice – pick any amount and discount type of percentage / flat rate. Handles all user registration / notification messages. Allows your Envato customers to register quickly! Comes with full documentation and instructions. Free updates!

Compatible With All The Popular Browsers

Google Chrome – All Recent Releases Firefox – All Recent Releases Safari – All Recent Releases Opera – All Recent Releases Internet Explorer 6,7,8 Internet Explorer 9 & 10 Works on all iOS5 devices! iPhone, iPad, and iTouch + Android Devices


* Version 1.0 ( 2/6/2013 ) - First release