Accountant - Store Accounting System

Last Update
16 August 2013
Regular License
Extended License

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Please Send Translated File To . and Thanks so much ..! Description Accountant is A Web Application That Helps You To manage Your Store Easily .Accountant is Perfect In case of Computer Shops, Electronics Stores , and any Technical Stores . Accountant Can Manage your Sales, orders ,bills Products, Categories, Departments, Employees, Salaries, Deposits, Payments and Show your store Stats.Accountant Privilege Give you Ability to Create Custom Accounts To Handle Any Of Section Inside Accountant . Main Features :

Clean Layout . Enhanced With JQuery . Powerful Login System . Accountant Can Process orders and give you Final Bill .

View, Delete ,Sort and Filter Orders .

Add , Edit , View, Delete ,Sort and Filter Store Products.

Add , Edit , View, Delete ,Sort and Filter Store Categories. Add , Edit , View, Delete ,Sort and Filter Store Employees. Add , Edit , View, Delete ,Sort and Filter Store Departments.

Add , Edit , View, Delete ,Sort and Filter Store Payments. Three Options For Payments (Fixed ,Monthly Amount and Yearly Amount) Add , Edit , View, Delete ,Sort and Filter Store Deposits.

Three Options For Deposits (Fixed ,Monthly Amount and Yearly Amount) Add , Edit , View, Delete ,Sort and Filter Store Users . Advanced Privileges System . Internal Advertising System . Store Settings Section For Store Details

Bill Settings Section For Bill Header and Footer . Store Reports Section

OOP . Full and Clean Code . Well Documented .

Live Demostration :

Notice :Some Features Disabled In Preview . Notice :You Can Create User With Privileges You Like By Navigate Users section and Create new User Login Page

admin login(admin/admin) Sales Monster login(derik/derik) Orders Monster login(ted/ted) Products Monster login(bakester/bakester) Employees Monster login(sedney/sedney) Accounting Monster login(nicki/nicki) Accountant Manager login(piter/piter) Advertisement Monster login(verne/verne) Changelog : Version 1.1 (3/10/2013)

Accountant has been redesigned . department statistics added to department view . categories statistics added to category view . multiselect for sales section . minor changes to sales section .

Version 1.2 (7/4/2013)

Accountant Ready For Translation . Minor Changes In core . Text File Included For Translation . Seller Name Added To Order Details

Version 1.2.1 (8/15/2013)

bug fixed related to float values orders discounts fixed

Requirements :

A PHP Enabled server (Version 5.x) MySQL (Version 4.x or greater 5.x)

Support :

If you have any questions that are beyond the scope of Accountant help file, please feel free to email via my user page contact form .Thanks so much!