Era Visitor Counter & UserAgent Class

Last Update
17 February 2013
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Era Visitor Counter & UserAgent Class If you want to record your visitor’s browser, country, city, isp, platform etc., this class is for you. Era useragent class use Browscap.ini file for get visitor’s agent information. You can find your visitor’s location on your DB or external API. And you can report this informations and show on your web site. For IP2Location API Key, please register and get an api key.


Find your visitors location (ip2location) You can use your DB (only countries) or external API for IP2Location. Very easy for counting online users. (member, guest and total) Compare user’s agent information (is_robot, is_mobile, is_browser etc) Generate reports about your visitor’s data. Very easy to known how visits your page

Need Customization?

If you need customization, contact me through my profile email. Changelog Update v.1.1 Used external database class. Fixed some errors. Removed mobile() function. Added some functions. Please look live demo. Removed some variables. Please look live demo. IP2LocationLab.Com API Keys stored at database. You can use more keys if one of keys’ credits end.

Initial Release: 03 February 13Update to v.1.1: 17 February 13 Credits PHP Browscap