Customizable HTML 5 Game 1

Last Update
31 January 2013
Regular License
Extended License

A fully animated HTML 5 game ready for you to add your own logo and give it a unique name.

Full documentation included and deployment to your server is effortless as everything you need is contained in one directory.

The main character in the game is a jovial fellow who has a taste for junk food. The main objective of the game is to eat the junk food that drops from the sky on parachutes. When a junk food item is eaten, the character receives points and energy.

On the flip side, you must avoid eating the falling vegetables. Instead, push the dumpster to position it underneath vegetables. If you catch vegetables in the dumpster, you score points.

The character has a secret weapon—his flatulence. Right click or use the on screen touch controls to activate this limited resource.

Features - Fully animated (includes all sprite sheets with every object animation)

- Full sound (Includes background sound and other sound effects)

- Immersive full screen. The target minimum resolution is 1024×768 and the game looks great full screen all the way up to 1920×1080

- Physics (Character uses physics to push the dumpster around)

- HTML 5 Web Storage high score system built in

Controls [Touch] -On screen touch controls for movement and flatulence feature

[Mouse] - Right click = flatulence feature

[Keyboard] -Direction keys supported for movement

[Keyboard] -A (left) ,W(jump) ,D(right) keys also supported for movement

To pause use the on-screen control

All graphics and media files are properly licensed for use in your game. All of the media files retain their original source naming convention. The following are the sources for the media (sound files) used.