Wordpress Ultimate Restaurant Menu Maker

Last Update
18 August 2013
Regular License
Extended License

Wordpress Ultimate Restaurant Menu Maker allows you to create menus for your cooking / restaurant web site.

Good News! We release plugin version for Woocommerce! Hey, good news for guys, who use plugin for web shops or order systems. We made alternative plugin version witch is based on core of Woocommerce plugin. It will allows you to use powerful of Woocommerce plugin and flexibility of Menu Maker plugin. You can check live demo here http://woomenu.voodoopress.net/wp-admin with test login/pass tester/tester. You can find additional info here

Version 1.4 Release Date 17.08.2013

Fixed compatibility issues with Wordpress 3.6 Fixed limitation of items in single category Fixed custom post type permalink issues

New Feature Added mobile friendly variant of design!


easy jQuery Drag-n-Drop interface 7 variants of menu blocks design layouts multiply dish images with stylish image viewer extended menu descriptions direct developer support Translation files to make easy translations to any language Widgets to show featured dish and menu

Test account You can login to http://menu.voodoopress.net/wp-admin/ with tester/tester login/pass to test plugin online

Support If you found bug or need to extend functionality or add new feature – just write it in comments and duplicate it via private message ( http://codecanyon.net/user/evgendob ). TNX!