AIR AS3 Touch Scroll

Last Update
5 February 2013
Regular License
Extended License

Files Included:

.as3proj (FlashDevelop AIR sample project) .fla (simple usage project) .as (source codes) .apk (the sample Android app generated by AIR project) Classes Documentation related files and help files .swf (the sample preview)

As I started building mobile apps, I soon discovered that I truly in need of a touch scroller for my contents scrolling and started Googling around but couldn’t really find something clean and perfect to be able to respond my needs, so decided to built one myself

after making my TouchScroll class and make it to work in my mobile app projects, as I was moving forward on developing, after time to time I realized that if the scroller had such and such functionalities that would be awesome and started upgrading it time to time till it became as perfect as it is today! now I can say it’s flexible enough to be used in any way in any AS3 project, set its inputs in any order and at any time and treat with it as wild as you can! it’s still responsive it concerns about your CPU usage and collects it own garbage after it is removed!

Main Features

Set all of the class inputs live at run time CPU friendly Switch between Touch scrolling and desktop scrolling

full interaction with the status of your content Using Greensock BlitMask tech for max performance on mobile devices ability to externally scrolling your content, for Anchor purposes

HoldArea option in Touch scrolling for easier interaction with the content Sticky scrolling option, just like Android 3.2+ scrolling and iphone like scrolling

lots of more detailed options and attentions

Hope you enjoy it

Click or scan the QR Code to download the sample Android app to see how it works on your own mobile device! Of course the TouchScroll is coded in AS3 and can be used in any AIR mobile apps for IOS/Apple devices too! I just created this file for the sake of an example.

Notes In the package that you download you can see the full documentation of the classes with clean sample and example files on how to use it on a regular desktop or mobile rproject. Starling version below is the very same scroller for Android or IOS but it’s optimized to be used inside Starling framework: