Responsive Styled Google Maps - Wordpress Plugin

Last Update
27 August 2013
Regular License
Extended License

About This is the only wordpress plugin on the market that generates responsive and styled maps!Please check the live demo to see a lot of shortcode examples and samples of maps you can create. Usage Open a post, page or widget and write this shortcode to generate a map: [res_map address="your street, your city, your country"] or use the latitude/longitude coordinates:[res_map address="-37.798391,145.01652"] Plugin’s panel (click the image to view larger) Features

Wordpress plugin to generate google maps maps based on address or based on latitude/longitude Multiple markers per map No API key required The plugin’s settings panel has map preview and shortcode preview, both in real-time Maps are responsive and styled Works in posts, pages, sidebars You can create more maps on a single page or post Markers descriptions accepts both text and html code Unlimited colors 10 colored marker icons or your custom marker icon Every control on the map can be turned on/off Directions link to display directions to the address

License The Regular License allows you to use this plugin on a single, one website and you can have more than one map on that website. But, if you want to use this plugin on another website you will need to purchase an additional Regular License. For usage in a template for sale on Themeforest, you will need to purchase the Extended License. Thank you for your purchases! Rating My support is guaranteed for any of my items and I am working hard to create items that satisfy your needs. Still, if you are not rating this item with 5 stars, please let me know why. I would love to know if you have suggestions for improvements, if some features are missing, or if any other features are not compatible with your website setup. I will always do my best to offer premium support, so your feedback is very much appreciated! Credits

jQuery gMap plugin by Sebastian Poreba:

Free map pins by MediaLoot:

Using the Google Maps API you agree to their Terms of Service

Version history

20.08.2013 - version 2.10 - Small bug fix on window resize event for Safari on iPhones older than 4S 18.08.2013 - version 2.9 - Added fix after resize function for map on window resize event (re-center map when window resizes) 16.08.2013 - version 2.8 - CSS fixes for markers info windows (required by Google API updates last night regarding the info windows) 15.08.2013 - version 2.7 - Removed the style parameter and added color parameter instead (to be able to use any possible color for the map) - Fixed the Google Maps API server message "Sensor parameter must be either true or false" for some mobile phones - Small CSS customizations - Directions link is now optional (you can display it or not) - New modern colors for pre-defined icons - Ads removed => faster loading 15.07.2013 - version 2.6 - Added the possibility to use {br} to insert a new line in the description field - Improved the accuracy of the location when latitude/longitude are used - Small CSS customization (reset the line-height to remove the vertical scrollbar in the popup window) - Renamed the gMap function to not conflict with other map plugins or with themes 26.05.2013 - version 2.5 - Improved loading time by importing the adsense library only when needed - Small CSS customization (removed marked shadows, rounded info window corners) - Added possibility to specify a custom marker icon 18.03.2013 - version 2.4 - Improves pages loading by loading javascript and css only when shortcode is called - Added a new shortcode parameter(optional) named "center" to be able to center a map with many markers 12.03.2013 - version 2.3 - Removes the "Too many markers, switching to one marker per mode" javascript message - Replaces the ampersand with its code in the url to google maps library 17.02.2013 - version 2.2 - Fixes the move of the icon marker when the map is zoomed in/out (if you have a previous plugin version, your maps/shortcodes are not affected, this is only an "underground" code change in the back-end) 11.02.2013 - version 2.1 - Small JS fix for map shadows 09.02.2013 - version 2.0 - Added a plugin panel (with shortcode generator and map preview, both in real-time) - Added multiple markers support - Added possibility to show adsense ads over the corner of the map - Marker's description now supports both text and html code 02.02.2013 - version 1.1 - Fixed the marker shadow offset - Fixed the css interfering with themes css 31.01.2013 - version 1.0 - The initial version