Twitter Tweets

Last Update
2 February 2013
Regular License
Extended License

Latest Version: 2.0

Twitter Tweets is a plugin for WordPress that allows you to easily display Tweets from Twitter using widgets, shortcodes and functions. Twitters old API (version 1.0) is now depreciated and will stop working as of March 2013, Twitters new API (version 1.1) requires you to authorize yourself with Twitter using OAuth, Twitter Tweets makes this a breeze! Five Methods for Displaying Tweets

User Timeline – Displays a collection of the most recent Tweets posted by a specified Twitter user

Mentions Timeline – Displays your most recent mentions (tweets containing your @screen_name)

Home Timeline – Displays your collection of most recent Tweets, retweets and tweets of the users you follow

Single Tweet – Displays a single Tweet

Search Tweets – Displays a collection of relevant Tweets matching a specified query

Easy to Use

Easily authorize yourself with Twitter (required with Twitters API as of version 1.1) Display Tweets using WordPress widgets

Display Tweets using WordPress shortcodes

Display Tweets using functions

Choose how many columns you want the Tweets to be displayed in Easily configure styling in Twitter Tweets settings No coding required!


Pick from 62 Twitter birds Choose from 4 Tweet templates (or create your own by placing a tweet.php file in your theme directory!) Pick from 4 Twitter bird hover effects Pick from 4 Twitter actions (reply, retweet and favourite buttons) hover effects Pick from 2 favourite icons (heart or star)


Easily set amount of time to cache Tweets before updating them As well as caching your Tweets, Twitter Tweets will back up your Tweets incase your server fails to retrieve Tweets from Twitters API while updating your Tweets (always displays Tweets on your website and never display errors!)

Built with Mobile in Mind

Tweets are fully responsive If touch is detected, will disable hover effects

Developer Friendly

Clean Code Functions to call for displaying Tweets

Tweet Templating – You can override the default tweet template by placing a Tweet template in your theme folder Action and Filter Hooks

Other Features

Full localization support Logs errors when you fail to connect with Twitter Shows you how many remaining hits to the Twitter API you have available Twitter Tweets admin interface fits in with WordPress and doesn’t look out of place

Support If you encounter any bugs or require extra functionality, feel free to contact me and I’ll try my best to rectify the problem. Shortcode Examples User Timeline [user_timeline count="15" screen_name="wickedbroccoli" cols="1" center="false"]

count – maximum amount of tweets to display screen_name – screen name of user to display the timeline of cols – number of columns to split tweets into (between 1 and 10) center – if true, will center the twitter columns Mentions Timeline [mentions_timeline count="15" cols="1" center="false"]

count – maximum amount of tweets to display cols – number of columns to split tweets into (between 1 and 10) center – if true, will center the twitter columns Home Timeline [home_timeline count="15" cols="1" center="false"]

count – maximum amount of tweets to display cols – number of columns to split tweets into (between 1 and 10) center – if true, will center the twitter columns Single Tweet [single_tweet tweet_id="296149275824492545"]

tweet_id – the ID of the tweet you want to display Search Tweets [search_tweets query="cats" count="15" type="popular" cols="1" center="false"]

query – the query you want to search count – maximum amount of tweets to display type – the result type will dictate what tweets are returned (possible values are: mixed, recent and popular) cols – number of columns to split tweets into (between 1 and 10) center – if true, will center the twitter columns Changelog 2.0 – 02/02/13

Feature – Added functionality for displaying Tweets in columns.

Feature – Added option to change default Tweet template (4 default Tweet templates now).

Feature – Added more styling options for changing font colours in settings. Feature – Added option to disable Twitter bird. Feature – Added options for always opening tweet links in new tab. Fix – Fixed bug with transient and option names sometimes being too long that caused tweet caching and backups to not work. Fix – Fixed bug where options were not saved first time saving them. Fix – Fixed bug in user timeline shortcode, thank you Laurent! Tweak – Only loads dynamic css on pages with tweets now. Tweak – Removed need to add cache ID in shortcodes and functions parameters (done internally now).

1.1 – 30/01/13 Feature – Added 32 more Twitter icons.