PHP Code Generator Pro Edition Plus Admin Panel

Last Update
1 June 2013
Regular License
Extended License

Hezecom PHP Code Generator Pro Edition Plus Admin Panel is a PHP, PDO code generator which generate classes for each table in your database and forms and prepare your admin panel with a login form. This app is full of exciting features.All you need to do is just create your database and the Code Generator will generate everything with just a single click. It generates forms for INSERT, UPDATE, SELECT and DELETE.

The generated classes are commented for easy understanding base on their operations, which means editing the code to your taste is very simple, if necessary. If you have not started using OOP in php, this will be a good starting point for you and if you have whao! Then enjoy the power of speed using this app to generate sophisticated code for your projects. Save time and money developing your app with just few clicks is so amazing and fun.

MAIN FEATURES NEW Multiple Image and File Upload

Retain transparent image background NEW


Image Upload and Resize NEW

Multi support file upload NEW

Admin control panel Admin login form One additional html admin template included Generate entire project plus admin panel and login page with just a single click Instant code preview Bootstrap ready Jquery notification messages Jquery validation Jquery date picker Generate PDO data objects class for each table Generated codes that support multi database connection Four database operation are generated for each table which include (SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE and DELETE) Option to select between the (Deault Contructor Class / Get and Set Class) Option to Enable or Disable jquery form validation Detect Date Field from database (Support date picker when the field is set as DATE in your DB ) Detect Enum field from database (e.g ‘Male’, ‘Female’) and use as Select Field Detect (TEXT,MEDIUMTEXT,LONGTEXT,BLOB…etc.) and use as textarea Detect primary key (AUTO_INCREMENT) Support jquery datatable Quick Search through database Support pagination with jquery datatable Export data to Excel spread sheet Export data to Word Build in self-defined functions Option to select table you want to generate code for HTML codes and PHP files are separated for easy editing Generated codes are commented for easy understanding and editing Full Documentation System Requirements

PHP 5+ MySQL 5+ PDO extension

ADMIN DEMO LOGIN INFO Username: adminPassword: admin


Version 3.1 Image Preview with PrettyPhoto Jquery U.I Library Updated Fix Some Bugs

Version 3.0 Multiple Image Upload and Resize Multiple File Upload Update Bootstrap to v2.3.1 Jquery Updated to v1.9.1

Version 2.1 Fix image transparent background Version 2.0

WYSIWYG Editor Image Upload and Resize Multi support file upload and more…

Version 1.1

28/01/2013 – Version 1.0 29/01/2013 Export-header fixed 01/02/2013 date picker fixed

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