Social Subscriber - Subscription form for Facebook

Last Update
27 July 2013
Regular License
Extended License

DEMO: If you open “Live preview” button please, click “remove frame” to see the demo or view subscription form from here

Main function of this application (app) is to help you collect new subscribers for your newsletter(s) from your Facebook page(s). The application works only on Facebook pages. You have to add it to your pages as Facebook page tab app. It is a simple subscription form with three fields from where users can subscriber to your newsletter.

Users have to fill their names, family names and emails to submit the form. When the form is submitted and all fields contain valid data the users will receive confirmation email. The app generates an unique link for each new subscriber. When user opens his/hers email he/she have to confirm subscription by clicking on the link.

When the page is loaded from the tab of Social Subscriber app( in your Facebook page(s) with your admin account) you will have access to admin view of app. You can change settings, enable and disable features. You can see how many confirmed subscribers you have in the ‘Subscribers’ tab of the admin view. You can export all confirmed subscribers at anytime. The application generates .CSV file with all confirmed subscribers . You can use generated file to import data in your existing newsletter system or on-line newsletter service that you use (phpList, MailChimp).

Main features

Easy installation Unlimited Facebook page tabs Simple frontend AJAX form Multilingual ready Fan gating / Fangating / Fan-gating In tab administration

Adminisrtation features

Notification settings Fan gating settings Newsfeed settings Terms & conditions settings Manage subscribers data Fan gating preview in admin Export subscribers data in .CSV (You can use file to import data in MailChimp and other services) Google Analytics

Users features

Fan gate Simple AJAX form Required mail confirmation

This script requires:

SSL Certificate to works well in

Facebook Application with app ID and SECRET Hosting with mySQL database

PHP 4/5 working on the server

Change Log

1.4.1 / 30.03.2013 - added bg_BG full translation - added fr_FR front-end translation

1.4 / 20.03.2013 - fixed characters issues with confirmation emails - fixed issue with admin Google Analitycs field - fixed problem with translations - documentation updated

1.3 / 18.02.2013 - fixed some minor errors with frontend