Font Uploader

Last Update
13 April 2013
Regular License

Use any font anywhere you like

This plugin lets you upload your own font files and apply them to any element of your website without requiring a knowledge of html or css.

Use your own fonts with any Wordpress theme.

This plugin will work with any and all wordpress themes, commercial and free a like.

Note: IE10 compatibility is not 100%. Some fonts will work fine but others will not. This will be addresses soon.


All .otf, .ttf, and .eot font files are supported 100% Cross browser compatible Control the fonts of every aspect of your wordpress site Font Size Control for all elements Compatible with WordPress 3.0+ Google webFont Support Easy to use Advanced section for those with html / css knowledge


All support for this plugin is now provided through my dedicated support forum. Please go there to ask support related questions.

Version 2.0 Updates

In version 2.0, the plugin was completely rewritten from the ground up. A security flaw was discovered in the previous versions relating to the file types that could be uploaded; this security problem has been fixed.

Fonts are also now uploaded to wp-content/uploads/fonts/, whereas before they were uploaded to wp-content/plugins/font-uploader/fonts/, which would result in lost fonts when upgrading the plugin.