Plugin Demo

Last Update
12 July 2013
Regular License
Extended License

This is a plugin for plugin authors, designed to work with plugins that create a custom post type or add their own main menu page.

Have you built a great plugin that you want users to try before buying or downloading? This plugin turns your WordPress site into a demonstration site allowing you to showcase your plugin.

You can customize the login page to brand it for your plugin, as well as having control over the appearance of the dashboard.

There is a powerful data cleaning section that cleans your site’s data on a schedule to reset the site when you need it to.


Select the plugin to demo and configure specific settings Customise the login page, including logo, text and full screen image or background colour Customise the dashboard, including the site logo, main text, footer text and custom notice for users Clean the site’s data using built in WordPress’ cron scheduler or use the example cron file to deploy on your site. Clears site data as well as custom tables your plugin might have created

You may need to remove the frame if you click the Live Preview link.

You can see the plugin being used to create a demonstration site for our Instagrate Pro plugin here –


= 1.0.2 =

Added – Prepoulation of username and password on login form Added – Ability to remove Back to Blog link from login screen Fix – Removal of lost password link on multisites Fix – Header notices when no plugin is selected in the settings = 1.0.1 =

Improvement – Ability to select multiple custom post types for the demo plugin Fix – Added wpautop to the custom text on login page Fix – Added template tags to dashboard notice Fix – Removed My Sites menu item when installed on multi site Added – Select login links colour, enable text shadow and select colour Added – Ability to remove Lost Password link from login screen Added – Wrap the login message in a message bar