WooCommerce Table Rate Shipping

Last Update
24 June 2013
Regular License
Extended License

The WooCommerce Table Rate Shipping plugin has the ability to add multiple rates for a given customer based on a variety of conditions set by admin. These can include shipping destination, cart subtotal, item shipping class, price, weight, and so much more.

The WooCommerce Cart Based Shipping plugin works alongside your WooCommerce store by adding a new shipping method directly to your WooCommerce settings. The familiar layout and easy to use options will make it simple to setup and use in your store.

Please report any bugs to my support forum. I also welcome any suggestions for improving this shipping plugin!

Not using WooCommerce? This plugin is also available for JigoShop.

New in 3.1, Released June 24th, 2013

Added a new cost method: multiplier Added ability to set free shipping option based on subtotal price Added new column for an extra bundle cost option Added ability to select default shipping option shown when multiple exist Corrected problem with Per Item calculations Fixed a couple minor localization issues Cleaned up code to remove notices and minor errors from appearing in debug mode Updated Documentation

For a complete list of changes, view thefull version log.