Search and Replace for Wordpress

Last Update
29 June 2010
Regular License
Extended License

With this plugin you can search and replace strings in you Wordpress website. This will not change your database data because the search and replace is done just before the content is shown on the screen. With this plugin you can also define wich replaces should be applied to what parts of the website. Below you find a list of content parts that you can select for a replacement action. Full content (The complete html page) Post/Page content Post excerpt Tags Post title Blog title Comment excerpt Comment text Where to use There are many ways that you can use this plugin but here are a few: Automaticly convert the word codecanyon to a codecanyon referral link

Auto replace bad words in comments only. This way you can still use bad words in your posts and pages content

In some post you want to place an Google Adsense block. Create a string myadsenseblock that will automaticly be replaced by an Adsense code. Add some custom smilies to your blog ...