The Fusion of Tabs and Slider with jQuery

Last Update
26 July 2013
Regular License

Tabs with Animation like an Slider. Use it as Tabs or as Slider or why not both?

Have you always wanted the useful tabs to be animated more fancy? something like a slider? then this is the plugin for you, the tabs can slide horizontal and vertical ways also there is 15 different effects available between transition and all working with auto height depending on its content.


You can play around with all its features to make your own.

Highly Flexible and Customizable. Multiple instances allowed in a single HTML page. Auto slideshow with optional pause and play button. Easily resizable. Keyboard support (move with left & right arrows). Customizable through css. Simple configuration. 15 Different Effects Between Transitions. Vertical and Horizontal Support. Customizable transition timing function. Support different events on tabs (click, hover, etc). Auto Height (depends on its content). Navigation Bar Vertical & Horizontal. Customizable Controls visibility. Customizable timing between intervals in autoplay. Cross browser compatibility. With min version of css & js files. API Each Tab can have any html content and can be any size. Free Support

----> Update: July 25, 2013 The plugin is now compatible with IE8