Youtube Video Uploader

Last Update
27 July 2013
Regular License
Extended License

NEW UPDATE TO VERSION 4.1 – 7/26/2013

Updated PLupload Made changes to uploadfiles.php to allow chunk sizing (Fixes 2038 error)

NEW UPDATE TO VERSION 4.0 – 5/30/2013

Added multi uploader which is crossbrowser and mobile compatable Added new form validations so users cant resubmit forms more thank once After upload of videos, page now updates to show new videos in list automagically Many speed imporovements

Features Tired of slow or interrupted uploads to YouTube? With YouTube transfer those days are over! Let your server(s) do the transfers from now on!

You can install it on your server, add video files and use the YouTube upload direct feature to transfer videos ~60% faster. Comes with a mobile upload feature as well, to load videos and submit the form from mobile when your away from the house.

We are running this from localhost and are seeing ~60% faster uploads than traditional YouTube browser upload methods.

Uses YouTube API 2.0, safe from 3.0 release.