phpDataTables - easy interactive tables from PHP

Last Update
24 January 2013
Regular License
Extended License


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phpDataTables ver. 1.1 Latest update: 24.01.2013New in this version:

Advanced column filtering feature: individual per-column filtering with different types: strings filtering, number filtering, number range filtering (, date range filtering (between dates), dropdown (selectbox) filtering. See the live example. Updated config file for easier configuration. Several minor bugfixes

phpDataTables is an independent ready-to-use component which is designed to make table process of data representation quick, easy and effective; to bring some great features of visual and component-style programming (like in C# or Delphi IDEs) to PHP. phpDataTables allow you to quickly build and render interactive tables with such features as sorting, or saving to PDF from almost any possible data source from a simple 2D-array to XML source.

A short list of phpDataTables features:

Cute interactive multi-functional front-end jQuery tables with filtering, sorting and pagination features rendered by DataTables jQuery plugin. You can manipulate all features easily from the PHP back-end with phpDataTable class methods. The initial javascript is compilated by PHP and then executed in your browser. Advanced front-end table features: print view, save to PDF, save to CSV, save to Excel, Copy to clipboard by TableTools DataTables plugin. Collapsible (child) rows feature: you can assign unlimited recursive child rows of the same structure to the main table (See live example) Child tables feature: you can have nested tables inside your tables to store some additional data (See live example) Fixed headers and fixed columns feature based on modified FixedHeader DataTables plugin. For high, and wide tables, table header and chosen amount of columns “stick” to the window border when you scroll the table – analog of Excel’s “Freeze Pane” feature. See live example. Row grouping based on Row Grouping DataTables plugin. If a lot of rows have same values of some column you can group them based on the value of this column. The sorting will be performed inside of these groups. See live example. Charts based on Google Chart Tools. Easily render charts from the same dataset as your table. See live example. Accepted data sources: arrays, SQL query, Excel XLS and XLSX, OpenOffice Calc ODT, CSV files, JSON object, XML source. Extensible Column class for different column rendering. Read more. Caching of large tables using Memcache extension. Read more.