Responsive YouTube Video Tab for WooCommerce

Last Update
9 January 2013
Regular License
Extended License

We offer full support on our plugins – if you are not happy or stuck with anything then please email us by clicking on our username. We can not respond to reviews as these are anonymous.

We are currently BETA testing this with WooCommerce 2.0 – if you have purchased this from us and would like to try it with version 2.0 then please send us an email for the updated file.

Video has been proven to increase e-commerce conversion rates – YouTube tab for WooCommerce gives you a simple and effective way of including a YouTube video on your product pages.

No messing around with embed code – simply copy and paste the YouTube URL in to the plugin meta box on your product page and away you go – have a YouTube video added to your product in 10 seconds! A simple and very effective plugin – a must have for any WooCommerce users! View our demo and screenshots to see just how simple this is.

YouTube Video Tab for WooCommerce is responsive, meaning it adapts to different screen sizes and has a small footprint.

Developers: Buy the extended license and add value to your themes by adding this feature.

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