zParticles - Jquery Animated Decor particles

Last Update
8 January 2013
Regular License
Extended License

With zParticles you can easily apply beautiful colored particles to any element of your page. With just a single line of code you can customize up to 12 different options to make it as unique as possible. Make your website more “alive” with zParticles.

Choose from 12 different options to customize the particles to your taste. Simple and easy installation, only reference and one line of code. Have multiple elements on your site running different instances of zParticles with different options.

Visitors can even hover the particles and have some fun with them. Each time a particle is touched it will die and end its lifetime but at the same time spawning yet another one into existence.

Feel free to try out the Demo Page here.

This demo page also allows you to generate and play with styles and options as well as providing you with the single line of code to apply the same options to your page. Just copy & paste the code that you made.