Envato Purchase Code Verifier for bbPress

Last Update
10 July 2013
Regular License

Running a support forum for your Envato items just got a whole lot easier. With the Envato Purchase Code Verifier for WordPress you can easily verify all your Envato buyers, and control how their purhcase codes can be used in your forums and. Limit access to a single forum, multiple forums, or any forum! A Purchase Code Manager is also included to let you view and track all the codes used on your forums. NEW – Use all these great features on Posts and Pages!

You can also try a live example of this plugin, I use it on my own support forum here: http://support.tyler.tc


Require a Purchase Code to access any part of your forums – Leave some forums unlocked, allow purchase codes to work on multiple forums, etc. Allows you to lock forums down according to a list of Envato Item ID’s that require a license. Have locked and unlocked forums on the same site! You can now also lock Posts & Pages in the same way you can lock forums! Includes user whitelist for moderators, support staff, test accounts, etc. Does all the hard work for you gathering the user’s data, purchase codes, and more and stores them all to a searchable table! Adds User ID and Purchase Code counts (with a link to that users’ purchase codes) right in the User Management dashboard. Includes admin / support team bypass – Admins will not need to verify. Keeps fakes out! Each purchase code can only be used one time. Super easy to use! Takes only seconds to install and configure! Full i18n support for internationalization of all strings, ready for translation with poEdit. Includes full documentation and usage instructions! By far the most complete solution for managing Purchase Code validation for an Envato Support Forum. Free Updates!

Compatible With All The Popular Browsers

Google Chrome – All Recent Releases Firefox – All Recent Releases Safari – All Recent Releaes Opera – All Recent Releases Internet Explorer 6,7,8,9,10+ Works on all iOS5 devices! iPhone, iPad, and iTouch + Most Android Devices

Buyer Feedback

“Anyone searching for a decent solution for support – this is it! Functional and easy to use. Do not waste your own time or energy with other self proclaimed support solutions found here on codecanyon for triple the price, if you are an author and wish to provide support for your users, then this is the plugin to use Thanks TylerQuinn, sincerely – Danny” - SimpleSites4U

Awesome – just purchased! This is the one we’ve waited for! Keep it up! Thanks again for great plugin, Dave from Germany - deckerweb

Guys this is an awesome plugin. If you’re an author and want to offer support forums without shelling out for vBulletin or anything it’s the one to go for. - mikemayhem3030

This plugin rocks! I’m just putting together a support forum for my themes and have been using “the other plugin from here (CC)” with which I only had problems and had to edit the plugin code + no support… But this one works BRILLIANTLY and even gives me the option to have Envato + non-Envato themes in one forum! That’s just amazing! So simple idea that just works. - webmandesigna


* Version 1.0.5 ( 7/9/2013 ) - Fixed issue where users with two keys for the same item would get endless loop of verification - Fixed issue that allowed direct access to any topic URL by users with keys

* Version 1.0.4 ( 5/31/2013 ) - Added support for locking posts and pages for verification - Redirection has been streamlined reducing server load and database load - Meta box has been made more clear - All strings and Meta box are now setup for i18n with the locale pack - Default locale pack updated

* Version 1.0.3 ( 4/4/2013 ) - Fixes redirect with WP 3.5.1 and latest bbPress, redirect to forum has been future proofed as well. - Updated default message to be more clear - Updated default language pack

* Version 1.0.2 ( 2/27/2013 ) - Adds user whitelist support - Fixes issue with direct access to verification form - Includes updated default locale files

* Version 1.0.1 ( 1/7/2013 ) - Full i18n support ready for translation - Will not require users to login for unlocked forums - Typo in page template fixed

* Version 1.0 ( 1/7/2013 ) - First release