Tag Podium - A Podium for Tags Widget

Last Update
6 January 2013
Regular License
Extended License

With Tag Podium you can choose between 7 amazing pre-styled podiums to show the most used tags in your website/blog based on Wordpress. Each style has a CSS3 animation that draws attention to the content of the bars. In the advanced features you can manually change the color of each element. You can also see the live preview of all your changes.


CSS3 style 7 Pre-styled Podiums out of the box Animations for every style Color customizable (bars and animations) Live preview in the admin area Easy customization, no code required!

Clear documentation with a step-by-step guide for the installation process and customization of the widget.


Work in every version of Wordpress from Wordpress 3.0 and higer. Compatible with the major latest browser such: IE9, IE10, Firefox 4, Safari 5, Opera, Chrome


For free support about this product post a request on our Twitter profile adding the hashtag #tagpodium.