PHP Social Network Platform

Last Update
16 May 2013
Regular License
Extended License

Our PHP Social Network script is similar with Twitter, allowing you to keep in touch with your friends, @mention them, create #hashtags, send messages (tweets) in real-time, receive automatic notifications upon new mentions and new messages, the script is responsive too (native application style on mobile devices), modern (metro) clean design, and so much more… view the features:

Video Demo: Video Demo (full features)User Demo: User Demo (some features are disabled, please watch the Video Demo)Admin Demo: Admin Panel

Features User Features: Real-time messaging system.

Me, Mentions & Profile personal pages (like Twitter). Automatic notifications on Me & Mentions Page upon new messages/mentions.

Images/Photos, YouTube & Vimeo video sharing system in messages (tweets). Private Messaging System with Inbox/Sent. - New!

User Gallery containing uploaded photos and videos (with image cache system). - New!

Neat animations on reply/message, with notifications on actions. Real-time time stamps update. Gravatar integration with the possibility to manually upload a profile picture. Follow/Unfollow friends.

@mention users and friends. Create new #hashtags and search for new topics. Search for friends. View other users profile, view their followings/followers & more. Delete your own messages. Mark Private Messages as read/unread, or delete them View the latest users that talks about a certain #hashtag (topic). Report offending messages (tweets). Users can set their Facebook, Twitter and Google+ profiles. Cross-Browser compatible with mobile design too (responsive). Script/Admin Features: View/Delete registerd users. Set the Message (Tweet) length (e.g: 140 characters). reCaptcha integration with On/Off possibility. Modify the Time-Stamps format (4 types). Mail users on registration with On/Off possibility. Message Notifications (time interval when to check for new mentions/messages and send the notification to user). Set the max. allowed image size for user’s profile. Image file format allowed on user’s profile. Set the max. allowed image size for upload in messages. Image file format allowed in messages. Option to censor words. Manage reported messages (tweets). Two ad-units boxes that can contain html content. API to retrieve user profile details

Change Log / Updates Update 2.8 (5/16/2013)

Fixed an issue with reCaptcha (/sources/welcome.php affected only).

Update 2.7 (5/10/2013)

Added new feature Gallery for each user (It will display the images and videos at once from messages).

Added new feature Displaying avatars of each user on “Manage Users” section.

Added new feature Image cache system for Gallery images (this will be implemented in further updates into the time-line as well). – Requires GD Library and cURL. Prepared the script for further optimizations and updates.

Update 2.6 (4/17/2013)

Fixed a bug when visiting the “Followers”, “Following” pages of a profile, the Send PM button was missing and the Follow button was broken.

Update 2.5 (4/9/2013)

Added a “Send PM” button on each user profile, when clicked it will automatically fill the user’s name into the form. Improved the report function, if a message is reported, there won’t be any new duplicated reports anymore.

Update 2.4 (4/8/2013)

Added new feature – Private Messaging System with Inbox/Sent, ability to mark messages as read/unread (with visual notification) or to delete them. Mail notifications upon sending a private message.

Update 2.3 (4/2/2013)

Fixed a bug where in some cases, after hitting the “Load More” button on Me and Profile page, the new content would contain images even if they where empty messages.

Update 2.2 (2/17/2013)

Added support for Arabic, Romanian, Turkish and more characters to name, location and bio. (only MySQL affected) Fixed a bug where users were not logged in after the browser session was terminated. (they are now kept logged in) Fixed a small bug where tool-tip for “Report” button didn’t appear after loading more content. Fixed a small bug which caused the “View Media” disappear after loading more content.

Update 2.1 (2/4/2013)

Fixed a small bug when deleting a user the following/followers won’t update.

Update 2.0 (2/2/2013)

Added new feature – Users can now attach images to the messages (tweets).

Added new feature – Ability to post YouTube & Vimeo videos that can be played directly from the Time-line (embedded). Did some structure changes, and prepared the script for further improvements.

Update 1.9 (00/00/0000)

Internal release.

Update 1.8 (1/27/2013)

Fixed the admin file missing. Small modifications to the admin.php file.

Update 1.7 (1/26/2013)

Added support for Arabic, Romanian, Turkish and more characters to messages. (only MySQL affected)

Update 1.6 (1/22/2013)

Added new feature – Background patterns for user profiles. Cleaned up some unused files from the script.

Update 1.5 (1/13/2013)

Cleaned up some code. Added new conditions for password reset.

Update 1.4 (1/12/2013)

Added new feature – Reset the Password (for users). Other minor changes.

Update 1.3 (1/8/2013)

Fixed the reply drop-down form not working. Folders affected: /skin/, /requests/

Update 1.2 (1/7/2013)

Added new feature – You can now censor words in the Admin Panel (they will be stripped off).

Added new feature – Report messages (tweets). Admin can now manage the “Reported Messages” (Dismiss/Delete them). Improvements in browser compatibility (style.css). Some other minor changes under the hood.

Update 1.1 (1/5/2013)

Added new feature – Private profiles with 3 modes. Other minor changes. Files affected: .htaccess, /sources/settings.php, /sources/profile.php, /skin/settings/general.html

Requirements: cURL and GD Library.