Weather Widget 3 for WordPress

Last Update
27 May 2013
Regular License
Extended License

Weather Widget 3 is a simple widget for displaying weather conditions and forecast for places across the world.

- jQuery driven (requires minimum version 1.7)

- Uses AJAX technology

- Cache

- Ability to set default location

- Celsius or Fahrenheit units

- Displays today’s date, temperature, forecast for next 4 days

- Color customizable

- Adjustable Width (Note: Recommended minimum of 180 pixels)

- Comes with own black and white icons

- Has shortcode ( [weatherwidgetthree] )

- Go to your WordPress admin panel and navigate to Plugins -> Add New.

- Click “Upload” and then “Browse”.

- Select the archive “Weather Widget 3 Installer for” and click “Install Now”.

- Activate the Weather Widget 3 plugin by clicking “Activate” button.

Simply type in your post/page the following shortcode:

[weatherwidgetthree apikey=MY_API_KEY]

where MY_API_KEY is the key you have obtained from

To obtain API key, go to

You may also like Weather Widget 2.0 for Wordpress, or the Standalone Version


25/01/2013 - Fixed bug where the plugin could break some themes layout.

- Added option for days translation.

- Other minor bug fixes.

28/03/2013 - API URL has been updated.

- The widget will make 3 attempts per 3 seconds to get ajax data before alerting error.

- If ajax error occur it will be prompted in the browser console.

- If the API return no data the xml will include dump of the whole xml for debugging.

- Fixed folder typo.

NOTE:: You may need to obtain new API key if you already have one.

9/04/2013 - API has been changed. The new API is powered by

- New animated icons for browsers with HTML5 canvas support.

- Added en_US .POT file for language translation purposes. The POT file covers the admin panel and the front-end.

NOTE:: Obtain API key from