ProStats Analytics Script

Last Update
29 December 2012
Regular License
Extended License

What is ProStats ?

ProStats is a small , fast and useful php script . it will record visitors ( human or robot ) information and show them to you as you request them . ProStats gather a lot of informations , like visitor’s operating system , browser , country , ip , referrer and a lot more , but it wont reduce your website speed or pressure your server . However , you can select what informations you need , and it will only get them . Low server requirement and simple php , made ProStats an available script for any php site , include cms like Wordpress and Joomla .

Why ProStats ?

Because its the best one ! ProStats gathers all possible informations about a visitor . You can install it on any php site . It is really fast and smart , you’ll get life-time support ! a purchase you wont regret .Some Features :

Months analysis ( visits , visitors , robots , engines , graph x 2 ) Days analysis ( visits , visitors , robots , engines , graph x 2 ) Hours analysis ( visits , robots , engines , graph ) Recent human’s visits analysis ( detailed with os , browser , country , referrer , visit page ) Recent robot’s visits analysis ( detailed with logo , type , country , visit page ) Search engines analysis ( today reference , all-time reference , logo , graph ) Search queries analysis ( top search queries , recent search queries ) Top visited pages of day ( graph ) Top visisted pages of all-time ( graph ) Robots analysis ( day visits , all-time visits , logo , name , producer , graph )( 336 robots defined ! ) Visitor’s operating system analysis ( graph ) Visitor’s browser analysis ( graph )

Installation ProStats requirements are Php and a simple Mysql database ( you can even use your cms database ) , thats it ! ProStats has a installation wizard , it will do all the work for you . However , if you need any help , you have life-time support , so there is absolutely nothing to worry about . just purchase and enjoy watching your site’s analytics.