Subscribe to Unlock

Last Update
23 December 2012
Regular License
Extended License

Subscribe to Unlock for Wordpress makes it very simple to create a subscription based content system on your site that requires users to subscribe to an email list, newsletter etc. before viewing content. Subscribe to Unlock not only handles user / email verification, it also has a list manager that can export your verified subscribers to MailChimp and Unisender, as well .txt and .csv formats.

You should give people a reason why they need to sign on your news.

Look how it work:

Today my subscriber base is about 43,000. I am more than confident that you can achieve great results if you will correctly apply the plugin “Subscribe to Unlock”

Do not forget peep on Support Forum and share their results and helpful advices with me and other visitors.


Mega-easy setup and editing Manager subscribers Automatic export subscribers to Mailchimp, Unicender, .txt and .csv formats Subscription form has a unique design Subscription widget Possibility to add new fields Fully compatible with all major browsers Ability to hide any components of articles, links, blocks, and other … The plugin has the ability to add any field, as well make field it mandatory to fill or optional. and more … Modern and secure opt-in form: CSS3 AJAX -driven opt-in form. Remember subscribed visitors: plugin remembers users who already subscribed the page (using cookie). Regular locker mode: content is completely hidden until user submitted contact details. Shortcode driven: wrap protected content with shortcodes [wpsh] ... [/wpsh]. WordPress Best Practices: no any alerts from Plugin Check and WP_DEBUG.

Fact Base subscribers the target audience in 1000 people will cost ~ $ 1500. Plugin “Subscribe to Unlock” would allow supplement the subscriber base of the target audience – all the time!

More subscriber – more $$$, low advertising costs, large conversion and other…

What People Say Thanks for this very nice plugin. – litoany Rated 5 Stars, this was excactly what i was looking for! – Sakatta

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