Automatic IceCat product information

Last Update
31 January 2013
Regular License
Extended License

Automatic IceCat product information?

New release. Please update to the latest version if you hava any issues. Fixes various issues: Better error handeling. Checks more possibilities. Category creating.

Its a wordpress plugin that upgrades your website/blog/webshop with the great help of IceCat.

What is IceCat? Icecat is an open catalog, wich means that all of the data is open to everyone!

Icecat offers data of 5938 brands

It has a total of 1521587 datasheetsavailable Click here for a full list of free brands

And best of all, most of them are free!

okay cool, but how does it work? When creating a post, page or woocommerce product you will see an additional 3 fields.

Brand SKU (partnumber EAN

Complete those fields as much as possible. Want to lookup data? check out the icecat search engine.

With the data you entered on your post, the module will lookup the database for a possible match. If found, it wil download the data to your wordpress site and autocomplete the following items:

Updates the body field with the product description Updates the title field with the product name Updates the url permalink with the product name Appends a specifications table after your content When using woocommerce it will download and attach the image!

Can I choose my own language? Yes you can!

You can set your language in the icecat admin page!

en = English nl = Dutch es = Spanish fr = French de = German

I want to see some examples This is how you create a product in woocommerceThis is a sample blogpostThis is a sample shop

I like the module but I want extra features! Feature requests are welcome!I’m using Drupal and i would like the integration with ubercart! For the drupal version check out: