
Last Update
30 December 2012
Regular License
Extended License

Bureau Bootstrap Skin version 1.2 Latest update: 30.12.2012

Bureau Bootstrap skin is a lightweight corporate-style set of CSS styles which gives you all the power of Twitter Bootstrap powered by a unique look, enhanced features and usage examples.

You get all the features that make bootstrap framework so nice – grids, layouts, responsive design, menus, buttons, modals and everything else but Bureau skin also gives you these bonuses:

Since version 1.2 Bureau Bootstrap skin is based on new Bootstrap version 2.2.2 with all its new features and bugfixes. Also we introduce two new cute example layouts based on Bureau: list of blog posts, single blog post. Check it out! Version 1.1 introduces smart looking widgets presets for any possible needs: info blocks, control elements, blocks with search or pagination, etc. Can be very helpful for e.g. admin templates. Check out the preview page! Changed look of typography blocks (hero unit, page headers, heading text, quotes, – see on the preview page, and compare it to default layout using the style switching feature). Enhanced look of paging components with light 3D-effect (pagination, breadcrumbs, pager). Completely different enhanced look of navigation elements (pills, tabs, stacked tabs, stacked pills, navlists). Stacked tabs, stacked pills, nav lists have icons now, which make them look nicer. Restyled navbar with search input and dropdowns. Tables have more strict look that makes it easier for the user to read through complicated sets of data. New shapes, styles and color schemes for the default progress bars. Fresh look of forms with light 3D-effect. A brighter new look for alerts and buttons. The base icon set is expanded to 220 icons with the help of Font Awesome. Enhanced look for all javascript examples, and some extra javascript included by default. Skin is pixel perfect. Includes page templates. All documentation included and online support on found issues provided.