FrameIt - Responsive WordPress Plugin

Last Update
14 December 2012
Regular License
Extended License

FrameIt – A Responsive WordPress plugin for frame and slide images Frame your favorites landscape, squares or portrait images and animate them! You can create as many frames as you want or use the +25 presets included. Use separate images for each frame and add a link to eachone.

Works on mobile devices, smartphones and desktop without loss functionality. This plugin is “responsive”, which means it’s 100% compatible with responsive web designs.

Ready for use on presentations, personal web portfolios or simply, a scroll of images. FrameIt does all the work, you choose where to use.

Features included:

Responsive and mobile Ready Support for all majors browser Fully customizable frames shapes with css classes Fully configurable animation of the frames Auto slideshow with images CSS3 double border effect Separate images for each frame Anchor frames. Follows any link you want +25 presets for all images orientations CSS3 Real Shadow Effects CSS3 responsive background images (even on unsupported browser) Powered by jQuery & CSS3 Shortcodes, accessed via the post/page editor Sidebar Widget Unlimited Presets and Slideshows Well organized settings page Fully documented and explained

Video Preview WordPress Admin Panels


Images shown in the preview are not included in the download and are for demonstration purposes only. & cubagallery

Icons used: Somacro

Changelog 1.1 – December 12 2012

ProgressBar stop animating when pauseonhover enable BugFix: Location function not showed BugFix: Images hidden by default

1.0 – December 11 2012

First release