SpeedBall Pong

Last Update
12 April 2013
Regular License

Details This game is modern version of the classic Pong Game from the old days. The game has the same rules and mechanics but comes with modern graphics, high scores system and it works on every browser that has support for HTML5. The game comes with complete source code fully commented and explained. Also the PSD file with all the graphics is included if you need to change anything. Also the game comes with a quick installation script for easy installation on a web server with complete steps on how to use it.

Any feedback is welcomed. If you liked the file please don’t forget to rate it.

Updates Note: If you bought the item please download the file again. v2.0 – 11.04.2013 Changes

Mouse cursor now changes to Hand Cursor when mouse is over buttons Added in game animations (in High Scores screen, Player Selection Screen and in gameplay ball now deccelerates before new round) Optimised images and reduced file sizes Performance tweaks Updated the preview files

v1.1 – 22.12.2012 Changes

Updated the collision detection bug (this one) Updated the preview files

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Built entirely in JavaScript 800×600 fixed resolution with a framerate of 60FPS Built-in Scoring System which saves the players scores to a database and retrieves them for later viewing Built in an OOP fashion for easy understating and quick changes Quick and easy setup All assets are preloaded the progress status being displayed to the user It is compatible with all major browsers that support the HTML5 Canvas element (IE9, Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Opera)  Contains a minified & obfuscated version of the JavaScript code Each class file has every piece of code commented

Requirements For this game to work you need to have:

an internet connection a compatible browser that supports HTML5 Canvas element and has JavaScript enabled a mouse for gameplay (a touchpad can be used for laptops)

Important! For the scoring system to work you need to have a PHP enabled server and a database in which to save the results. Note: The rating system is only simulated in the preview and is loading static data. When uploaded on your server it will work with the database you provide, just as expected