
Last Update
21 March 2013
Regular License
Extended License


Touch devices support: iPad, iPhone, iPod touch, Android; Pure CSS tooltips with fallback; Easy to apply: just add class “ApplyTooltip” and fill title attribute; 4 customizable sizes; 8 positions; 6 gradient style themes (even in IE7); 13 Metro style themes from original guide lines; Any HTML content with any CSS can be placed into TouchTooltip; Easy to customize (for example: you need change only 3 values to create new gradient style theme); Sass + Compass sources to customize everything; Extends self functionality if JavaScript is enabled; Lifetime support and updates; Highly simple step-by-step manual.

Description Please check Screenshots to see full description. Special thanks

Hand icon from Mobile Tuxedo

Bug tracker Login: codecanyon Password: codecanyon

Changelog Version 1.2

Updated code for usage with jQuery from 1.9; Tooltip’s hiding improved (issue touchtooltip-4); Fixed touch behavior on iOS (issue touchtooltip-5). Version 1.1

Major changes in structure of project; Added minified version to minified directory; Fixed adding links to the tooltip; Changed name of folder lib to executable. Version 1.02

Fixed positioning during inline usage;

Left was set as the default position when horizontal position isn’t specified.

Version 1.01

Fixed a bug with alignment of the tooltip with fixed size;

Added the Full (100%) size;

Added some examples.