Modalicious | Mobile Modal Pop-Up Subscribtion

Last Update
6 December 2012
Regular License
Extended License

Mobie sites are just awesome but attracting subscribers and offering social network connections can be a pain! Mobile navigations are not made to show off social networks and multiple fields! So, we’re introducing modalicious! A fresh and easy way to get subscribers! Simply implement this script in your page, and it will automatically pop up when the user visits!

Think it will be annoying? We thought about that too! That’s why, the bottom close menu includes a jQuery Cookie ( no data will be saved ) that will make the modal form disappear for however many days you set it on!

Features PHP / AJAX Working Subscription Form HTML5, CSS3, extremely clean code! modal_ prefix added before each file, class and name, to assure EXTREMELY EASY integration! jQuery Cookie with timer! Hides the modal if necessary! Incredibly fast loading time!