jQuery Copy Inject

Last Update
5 December 2012
Regular License
Extended License

Description This plugin is designed to inject data into a users clipboard whilst they are copying data from your website. The reason for this is to insert a link back to your website to increase the visiblity of your site and gain a wider audience through social media.

The plugin will also try to remove the injected data if you are pasting back into the website.


Insert data into users selection Add link back to your website when a user copies content from your site Assign Selection Threshold – Add extra content if X amount of words are selected 100% Javascript – No Flash

Browser Support IE7 + Chrome Safari Firefox 3+ Opera

Requirements This plugin uses jQuery 1.7+ It makes use of the jQuery.on function but could easily use bind in earlier versions of jQuery.

Disclaimer This plugin cannot directly negotiate data between the users clipboard and the browser due to security reasons. If you are looking to add predefined data to the clipboard without the user instigating a copy / paste, you will need to use a flash alternative.