HTML5 Meme Maker

Last Update
26 June 2013
Regular License

HTML5 Meme Maker

Version 1.5.2 – Bug Fixes for Firefox Bug fixes for latest version of Firefox.

Version 1.5! Now with Admin Panel to delete memes! Again, by popular request, Meme Maker comes with an Admin page to delete memes

Demo page: User: demo Pass: demo

More features coming up!

Version 1.4! Adds Meme Rating, Popular Memes Page! By popular request, Meme Maker now comes with a rating system.

New Features

Now you can rate memes! See this

New Popular memes page lists most rated memes!

Recent Memes page also shows rating for memes!

New look for recent memes page!

Version 1.3! Load higher resolution images like 800×600! and Bug Fixes

Now you can upload images of much bigger sizes like 800×600, 1024×920 or any size! Meme maker is improved to handle these bigger images Bug fix: Facebook like issue fixed Bug fix: Link issue fixed

Version 1.2! Security Enhancements and bug fixes.

Enhanced Security Adds additional checks to make sure your server is safe from script kiddies. Thanks to blazedd for good feedback! Recent Memes sort issue fixed

Version 1.1 New Features and bug-fixes!

Users can upload their own images and make a meme! (Can be disabled in settings)

Pagination On Recent Memes page

Bug Fixes

Fixed Title not showing sitename issue Fixed some images in recent not showing properly issue

Upcoming Features

Admin panel Recent Memes sort control

This HTML5 + PHP script provides you with a full fledged Meme Maker for your website.


Upload any image you want, comes with a set of pre-installed meme templates to get you started Fully HTML5 Meme Maker User Canvas and other advanced techniques Works on Mobile devices like iPad, iPhone etc Drag text captions, choose size, color, outline Create and share to Facebook Each generated meme gets its own page that can be shared anywhere!