Modal Log In for WordPress

Last Update
28 March 2013
Regular License
Extended License

Modal Log-in for WordPress provides you with a beautiful alternative log-in for your WordPress powered website based on the popular Twitter Boostrap, a front-end toolkit for developing web applications.

When creating our popular White Label Branding for WordPress our idea was never to hide the fact the website is powered by WordPress. We firmly believe that it is a positive thing that your website is built using WordPress. However we received a lot of feedback from customers asking for an alternative to the normal WordPress plugin and also a way to hide the wp-login.php and wp-admin for increased security. And also for not obviously giving away that the website is powered by WordPress.

With this in mind we have created Modal Log-in for WordPress, which is a powerful plugin that lets you easily create stunning looking Log-in, Log-out, Register, Lost your password and Maintenance message for your WordPress powered website. We hope you will like it! Check out the screenshots!

Some of the features Update the plugin directly from within WordPress admin You can now update Modal Log In for WordPress directly from within WordPress admin. All you need to do is enter your Item Purchase Code (License Key) in the Options Panel.

Integration of Social Networks With version 1.2.0 we have integrated the API, which supports a lot of different social media networks. Let your visitors login with social media networks like Blogger, Facebook, Github, Google, LinkedIn, PayPal, StackExchange, Steam, Twitter, WindowsLive, WordPress and Yahoo.

When you purchase Modal Log In for WordPress we will provide you with a coupon code giving you 40% discount on the first years annual subscription plan from (Basic, Plus, Pro or Business levels).

Please notice that no purchase is necessary in order to use the Social Network Login feature with Modal Log In for WordPress.

Clean, Simple and Beautiful Interface Modal Log In for WordPress is based on the Twitter Bootstrap, a front-end toolkit for developing web applications. We have developed a powerful CSS editor, which easily let you customize all forms in the WordPress log in.

Clean, Simple and Beautiful Interface Modal Log In for WordPress is based on the Twitter Bootstrap, a front-end toolkit for developing web applications. We have developed a powerful CSS editor, which easily let you customize all forms in the WordPress log in.

CSS Editor compatible with iPad and Tablets The editor works perfectly in all modern browsers like Firefox, Chrome, Safari, Opera and IE 10. The actual login will also work in older browsers like IE7, IE8 and IE9.

Options Panel – General Settings Under General Settings you can enable modal login on wp-login.php. That means it will replace the normal WordPress login. And you can create a “panic key”, which is helpful if you experience problems with the login screen. Using the “panic key” lets you bypass the Modal Log In.

Options Panel – Maintenance Mode If you enable “forced login” all users visiting your website will be asked to login before getting access to any content. If you enable “maintenance mode” only the Administrator will be able to access the website.

Options Panel – Login redirect You can set a default redirect URL and you can set a redirection URL by user role. If you have created any custom user roles with our White Label Branding for WordPress plugin you will also be able to ser a redirect URL for these user roles.

Options Panel – Admin and login rewrite If you enable the URL rewrite options you will be able to change the wp-login.php and wp-admin URL. You can even block the standard URL’s from working.

This is just some of the features of Modal Log In for WordPress. We encourage you to take a look at the screenshots to get a full overview of the interface and features, or login and take the plugin for a test drive before you decide whether to buy it or not.

Username: DemoUser Password: TryMeNow

List of Features Main Features

Replace the default WordPress login with Twitter Boostrap powered Modal Login Log In, Log Out, Lost Your Password and Register all integrated in Modal Login Shortcode for WordPress Menu dynamically showing “Log In” or “Log Out” Set Redirect URL after login by User Role Enable Maintenance Screen feature. Only Administrator will be able to login when Maintenance Mode is activated. Enable Forced Log In. All users will be prompted with Modal Login when visiting your website. Optional re-write of .htaccess allowing to block access to wp-login.php and wp-admin and set alternate login URL’s. This will help increase security on your website. Set Panic Key (optional). If login screen is broken you can skip the Modal Log-in by using the Panic Key Troubleshooting and Debug mode for faster and easier support. Free Downloadable Templates when entering your License Key

Support and Updates We support our plugins and have a professional support ticket system setup to handle and track all issues or requests from our customers. Follow us on Envato or Twitter to stay up to date with new releases and updates.

Don’t forget to enter your License Key in the Options Panel. This will enable auto update from within WordPress admin. With this feature you will always be able to keep the plugin up-to-date.

Please notice that we only provide support to users with a valid License Key.

Known incompatibilities The following plugins are known to crash Modal Log In for WordPress

Shareholic* | email, bookmark, share buttons (Added: April 5, 2013) Sweet Captcha (Added: April 5, 2013)

We will of course look into identifying any incompatibilities and fix them and then plugins will be removed from this list.

Changelog Version 1.3.3 rev37950 – July 2, 2013

Update: Add label customization for text “Registration complete. Please check your e-mail.”

Version 1.3.2 rev37305 – June 14, 2013

Update: jQuery .live depreciated Bug Fixed: Downloads was broken although license was present nothing got listed.

Version 1.3.1 rev37137 – June 6, 2013

Compatibility Fix: Remove script added by wp-symposium that breaks modal login splash Bug Fixed: Do not render the registration form if registration is not allowed (disabled in WordPress)

Version 1.3.0 rev36349 – May 7, 2013

Bug Fixed: Removed php warnings in Options Panel Custom Links setup. Update: Remove the Log In button from the template when using ALL Social Network login

Version 1.2.9 rev36217 – April 29, 2013

Update: Adjusted CSS for “Powered by OneAll Social Login” (this message can be removed if you upgrade to one of the payment plans through

Version 1.2.8 rev36201 – April 26, 2013

New Feature: Added option to disable loading Modal Log In on the frontend. Update: Added troubleshooting option for compatibility; prevent other plugins or themes from taking control of the Modal Log In ajax redirection Bug Fixed: Reapply bug fix that was accidentally removed by previous update. Custom links being removed when saving options.

Version 1.2.7 rev35508 – March 27, 2013

Bug Fixed: If redirect Url is not set, and it is the login page, redirect to admin (if you use the login link in the menu or the login shortcode button in the content and you don’t specify a redirect URL you will stay on the page where the login was triggered)

Version 1.2.6 rev35301 – March 25, 2013

Bug Fixed: Panic key not working when rewrite rules are active Bug Fixed: When no redirect URL is specified, login should reload the page, so that the login button get refreshed. New Feature: Added support for alternate templates with different styles of Social Network icons.

Version 1.2.5 rev35116 – March 13, 2013

Emergency Fix: Rolled back Bootstrap from version 2.3.1 to 2.2.1 due to critical bug. Will investigate bug.

Version 1.2.4 rev35041 – March 13, 2013

Bug Fixed: Saving the main options was resetting the custom link settings Bug Fixed: When the URL is not specified the loginout shortcode should not redirect to admin by default, instead it should stay in the same window Update: Replace depreciated live jQuery method Update: Bootstrap 2.2.1 to 2.3.1

Version 1.2.3 rev33940 – February 12, 2013

New Feature: Admin gui to change links, and add up to 5 custom links New Feature: Update Options Panel with Auto Update Update: Added option to specify an alternate ajax url Update: Added filter hook to allow exceptions to forced login or maintenance mode Bug Fixed: Compatibility fix, a img tag without src attributes was breaking a third party javascript Bug Fixed: Declare Auto Update on one instance of options panel module. When multiple plugins use pop, only one shows update info Bug Fixed: Space removed when custom links are saved Bug Fixed: Escaped quotes

Version 1.2.2 rev33728 – February 5, 2013

New Feature: Added 2 templates one with swapped buttons, and one with all four buttons in the footer of the Modal Log In. And added option to enable the templates. New Feature: Added option to add raw CSS Styles. Bug Fixed: Modal Log In Styles not loaded related to WordPress 3.5.1

Version 1.2.1 rev33597 – February 3, 2013

Bug Fixed: Strength meter not working in reset password Bug Fixed: Reset password Bug Fixed: Compatibility fix with CSS Editor in our plugin Bootstrap Menu Replacement Update: Interoperability fix: Disable WLB login form customization Update: Avoid sending duplicate styles, when using other plugins with our CSS Editor Update: Modify rewrite rules a bit to avoid urn query strings from being escaped and not loading scripts and styles on some site.

Version 1.2.0 rev32358 – January 15, 2012

New Feature: Implement support for the API. Supports 20+ social networks and consolidates the most powerful social features in a single solution. Special discount offered to RightHere customers. New Feature: Allow changing the pre-loader image URL, size and position Improvement: Implement new script registration procedure so that Twitter Bootstrap is not loaded more than once within any plugins from RightHere Bug Fixed: When a login or logout link had HTML inside the a tag, the logout was not working Bug Fixed: Increased tab index of forms. Set focus on username after opening login form

Version 1.0.1 rev30421 – November 26, 2012

Bug Fixed: Background image added to website using Modal Log In from the menu, or login button. Also added option to disable the login background for users that want to show the website as the background for the Modal Log In form. Bug Fixed: Typo in function returns a php warning when using the disable right click option New Feature: Provide an option to demonstrate the CSS Editor tool and not letting user apply changes New Feature: Added support for responsive Modal Log In form for mobile devices New Feature: Added support for accepting keyboard “return/enter” as submit New Feature: Disable rewrite if wp-login.php and wp-admin rewrite has been set to the same (accidentally by the user) Update: Modified behavior of press return/enter action, so that it only submit if it is the last input field. Update: Uncreased CSS version to force new load.

Version 1.0.0 rev30351 – November 23, 2012

First release.