Booking Calendar

Last Update
15 July 2013
Regular License
Extended License

Booking Calendar helps you to easily add to your own website a powerful and simple booking system to in a few minutes.

Happy Holidays Hi everybody, we would like to inform you that our company will be closed for summer holidays from the 15th of August until the 1st of September. In that period we will not be able to provide assistance but we will take care of all your requests as soon as we get back to work. We thank you very much for your cooperation and understanding.

We also would like to take this opportunity to thank you for all your compliments, support and suggestions that help this useful plugin grow.

How it works

Administrator can create a calendar for one or more services that are available for booking, with the option to set different timeframes for each day (Monday through Sunday) and all the other features you can find below. Customers will look at the calendar and will easily place reservations. Both customer and administrator will receive notification to their emails.

Do you have a sports center? You can create a booking calendar for each sport court Does your office receive customers by appointment? You can create a booking calendar for every professional Are you a Chef on demand? Let your clients easily book your cooking service. Do you own a bike rental business? You can set a calendar for each bicycle. …

If you don’t want to touch any code, this is the must have tool for you. The administration panel does not require any coding skills. To install and make it work you only have to set your basic configuration parameters, such as your website url, your email, db… Features

User: - time slots availability immediately visible - instantaneous preview the available time slots on rollover - made easier netsurfing in choosing months and days - multiple reservations possibility - easy to use interface Admin: - unlimited number of calendars to set (each calendar can refer to a different service available for reservation) - unlimited number of time slots setting the duration of each one - customizable number of available reservations per slot - once created a calendar, possibility to modify every time slot, one by one or in group, at any time - possibility to add different slots per day at your convenience - possibility to set you closing days - Possibility to choose how many days before the user has to book the slots - option to set the mandatory fields of the booking form - booking form captcha, enable or disable - chance to choice how to confirm reservations (automatically, verified by email or manually in the admin panel) - Paypal integration - Reservation CSV exportation - Date format configuration (choice between US and UK date format) - Time format configuration (choice between 12-hour am/pm and 24-hour time format) - notifications to admin and customer sent throughout the system. - possibility to set notification email texts, for example: booking confirmation email - no coding skills required

PLEASE NOTE: Booking Calendar is not a Wordpress Plugin

Change Log

Current Version: Booking Calendar 1.6 – uploaded 05/01/13

Fixed Bugs:

- prev-next navigation in booking form day - dates bug for Windows users - available slots number bug - reservation search

Booking Calendar 1.5 – uploaded 04/29/13

Added features:

- Customizable number of available reservations per slot - Booking form management - Reserved slots visible on calendar in red color - Admin panel language labels in a unique file to easily change them - Possibility to show or not the calendar selection - Direct link for each calendar you create - Calendar months view limitation - Paypal integration - Reservation CSV exportation - Possibility to add a privacy policy/terms of service checkbox in booking form - Possibility to choose how many days before the user has to book the slots

Fixed Bugs:

- time to field functionality in slots creation - removed fixed top-page anchors from calendar cells, to facilitate the embedding of the application in custom pages - confirm.php page error - IE9 compatibility in booking form page - Apple devices compatibility in booking form page - Added cancellation link when a reservation is confirmed in admin panel - Recaptcha js error in main page

Booking Calendar 1.3 – 01/18/13 Added features:

ADMIN & PUBLIC - Unlimited reservations per slot Fixed Bug in: - embedding calendar - prev day and next day navigation in public section - showing weekdays during slots creation in admin section

Booking Calendar 1.2 – 21/12/12 Added features: ADMIN - Duplicate calendar feature - Form validation for all timepickers - Date format configuration (choice between US and UK date format) - Time format configuration (choice between 12-hour am/pm and 24-hour time format)

PUBLIC -Button “Back to today” on past and future months view -Enhanced jQuery script to display slots preview

Fixed Bug in: - “undefined” string bug in slot in-line editing - datepicker range bug - timepicker range bug - special chars bug on calendar name editing

Booking Calendar 1.1 – 26/11/12

Added features: - possibility to give the user the option to cancel his own reservation - option to limit the booking at one slot per reservation

Fixed Bug in: - email management area - booking confirmation by email - admin login - metatag