RecuBilling - Recurring Billing

Last Update
15 November 2012
Regular License

Recu-Billing is a powerful solution and source of revenue for companies that deliver a product or service on a subscription basis. Examples of recurring fees that need to be collected are condo fees, magazine subscription charges, club membership fees, etc. If your business has relationships with your clients and you need to charge them repeatedly for a product or service, Recu-Billing is for you.

Easy installation Multi currency. Option to run with SSL. Upgrade and downgrade services. Upgrade and downgrade subscriptions without a calculator: your customers can change their subscription service in the middle of a billing cycle, and Recu-Billing will automatically prorate the charges. Sending reminders automatically through a crontab. Your customers can subscribe/unsubscribe automatically. Announcements system. Fully customizable billing periods. Custom email messages Every message that Recu-Billing sends can be customized using a WYSIWYG editor. You don’t have to edit any files or hack any code, it’s as simple as editing an article. Contact Form That gives you a quick and simple way to have potential clients get in touch with you. Free upgrade. Support for any of our products is offered ONLY through our Help Desk system. Please do not post support questions here under the item comments. This is reserved for pre-sales questions. If you have purchased this product and now have questions, please go to