Help and Support Articles

Last Update
18 March 2013
Regular License
Extended License

Give your users a great experience with your website or application and save time and money in the process. Features: Nested catgeories that are easy to navigate. Users can like articles and these are used to order the articles in listings and search reasults so that well liked and helpful articles are first. Easy to redesign since the HTML /CSS is separated from the PHP and is built using the twitter bootstrap Facebook, Twitter, and Google+ share buttons. Search Engine friendly Urls. Contact forms are integrated to each articles for the user to use when they need clarification. All the text is in one file making this script very easy to translate. You can define realtionships between articles and other articles and categories making it even easier for users tofind what they need. Installation: Unzip the package Open the file /php/config.php with a text editor and put in the details for your server Navigate to the script install.php using your browser An admin account is created with the following credetials:Username: adminPassword: pass Delete the file install.php Got to userguide.html to get started

Demo: Log in with the username admin and password pass Frontend: Admin: