Builtapp Intranet System

Last Update
18 May 2013
Regular License
Extended License

Summary The Builtapp PHP Intranet system was built out of the need to automate recurrent office operations and sharing information within a closed group. As such, it is designed to be easy to learn and use and fast in the execution of its function. It is also meant to be an avenue through which members of an organisation can communicate with each other by sharing what they are currently working on and giving a glimpse into their personal schedules and availability for events or meetings. The system itself is a web application built atop the Codeigniter PHP framework and hosted on a secure web server. The system being online ensures that it is accessible from virtually anywhere as long as one has an internet connection and also helps a great deal towards its availability as the server suffers from minimal to no down-time at all. The system is built using a modular method which ensures separation of functions making the modules and the system as a whole highly scalable and easy to maintain and troubleshoot. Features

Easy to integrate (Mostly just copying files) A plugin Management which basically means many many more plugins are on the pipeline. Clean css and a responsive design. Based on Codeigniter’s HMVC framework hence very extensible. Has an events module already installed. Has a robust User Manager. User Access control to various modules or part of modules Strict, fail-safe security Has different levels of security depending on your preference:

At application level – apply rules to whole application (all URLs) At controller/module level – Apply rules to actions in a particular controller At action/function level – Apply rules only to particular actions

Well commented and organised code throughout Exhaustive documentation

Demo Credentials

Admin Username: admin Admin Password: password Demo User Username: demo Demo User Password: password

The above accounts shouldn’t be edited. All data entered will be removed in a day or two. Support and Documentation Please drop us a line on appsupport@built-app.com with any questions you may have, full documentation is included with the program to help you with your projects. Changelog Built-app Intranet System v1.2.0 19th May 2013

Added – Setting to change app name Added – Templating library Added – Demo restrictions to prevent users from breaking demo Upgraded – Plugin module Upgraded – Admin and authentication modules are now separate Upgraded – Navigation now has dropdowns Removed – Bulk actions from events. Were not necessary Fixed – User dashboard now shows correctly for non-admins