Pagemaker 2 : Live editing in your theme

Last Update
14 November 2012
Regular License
Extended License

Pagemaker allows you to edit pages on the fly and post same content in multiple places. The link in live preview allows you to try the plugin on hands before buying. Give it a try! FEATURES * Click & Place, move and resize content * Compatible with all theme because it lets you edit within your theme * Use wordpress posts to store content snippets and place them on any page like building blocks * No programming required to build your own styled pages much faster and easier. * Highly recommended for graphic designers, SEO experts, educated web owners not wanting to tall developer for even the minor changes and all people wanting to experiment with and update their site frequently. * Update posts in one place to update content in multiple pages * Javascript based live editing, can be done from even your phone * A cool set of advanced options available for the techies