Twitter Picture Downloader

Last Update
5 July 2013
Regular License
Extended License

Looks like people are abusing the live preview. If you find the pictures you’re viewing offensive I would just like you to know I’m not responsible. I can’t monitor the live preview all the time and my current server does not support CRON jobs. Thanks. And don’t forget to rate

Twitter Picture Downloader is a PHP application/concept used to search for pictures from: A twitter users timeline – The search depends on the the users twitter handle(eg: @maail) and the amount of their tweets you want to query.(eg:10) By a Hashtag- The search depends on the the hash tag. eg: #flower. And the amount of their tweets you want to query.(eg:10)

Twitter Picture Downloader currently supports pictures uploaded directly to and Instagram picture links directly share to twitter from Instagram. If you need any other picture services those can be added. Although I don’t think most of the picture services are currently used by users.

You can view the downloaded pictures with the a lightbox modal effect. You can also delete these pictures. If you want to show these in a grid layout format like Pinterest etc you can try checking out the jQuery Masonry plugin. I haven’t added them since their might be copyright issues.

This application can be used for a variety of purposes:

To make backup of your pictures posted to twitter Download pictures from another user. Due to twitter API limitations Private/Locked accounts cannot be queried. Download pictures of an event according to a #hashtag. You can make another application out of the TwitSearch Class, used to download and sort out the photos. (Which would need the extended license.) The sky is the limit If you make anything using the application I would love to hear about it. Send me an email to