Up Your Sale

Last Update
26 February 2013
Regular License
Extended License

WP coupon which will blow up your sales!

The goal of Up Your Sale is to create mini groupon website in your existing blog or website. You already know that everyone loves to buy with discounts even if they don’t need those things or services. So with this plugin you will sell everything from book to various services. It’s a big opportunity to do something right now in 24 hours or less that will increase your sales!

The one you MUST HAVE

Definitely USEFUL – up-to-date and easy to use plugin will certainly attract your customers attention and promote your sales!

Why is it worth to use this plugin?

Advertisement with this plugin will be much more efficient, because unlike traditional advertisement forms, promotion by this advert is not as usual as others and because of that it better ATTRACTS attention of many customers! Customers are not accustomed to this kind of add so they do not ignore it!! This is the most important thing in advertisement so this “anti-ignore” characteristic is the biggest advantage of this plugin!

I made this plugin because I‘m not only a programmer but also qualified marketing professional and I know the best ways to promote your business and to increase your sales.

Using this plugin will not only be the most effective form of advertisement and increase your sales. You will also save your budget, because you will not need to share your profit with Group buying websites or inefficient advertisement sellers.

Beside all advantages of this plugin you will also look like very interactive, progressive and especially paying lots of attention to needs of your customers. Because of that you will certainly get positive feedback from your customers and they will become yours “word of mouth” advertisement.

—- New release – 1.1 —-

To update, go to your CodeCanyon “Downloads” page and download Up your sale plugin. Then simply unzip upyoursale.zip and replace old files via FTP in wp-content/plugins/upyoursale (no data will be lost).

Currency management – now you can choose your country currency. Cuopon lightbox centered Working with subdirectory method