Gateways Live Chat

Last Update
10 November 2012
Regular License
Extended License

What is Gateways Live Chat Gateways Live Chat is a php chat system that is based on Channels, where the users can login to the system (no sign up required) by entering their nickname, and the system will automatically generate a unique ID number to them in the following format [Nickname_ID] e.g. Bond_2492 and that will be their username. following this, the user will have have to enter a Channel name (any channel name) [Note: you can configure the Default_Channel Setting to a certain channel that will be joined automatically after the user login], if that channel already exists the user will join it, otherwise it will be automatically created, which means there is an infinite number of channels, and by one click the channel will be joined/created, and the users will be able to start chatting or whispering(private messages). And users are free to leave any channel at anytime and join/create another. and each Channel is by itself which means that users within a any channel will not be able to see the messages written or the users online in Another Channel.

To Protect ur server as well as users against Spam, the Live Chat system implements a configurable chat blocking sytem, that can block a users to a certain period of time when spam is detected, and the strictness of the spam detector is also easy configurable, and explained in the documentation.

Easy Installation Steps: You can get the item working by just following the next 3 steps: (each step is explained in details in the documentation) Copying The plugin folder (livechat) to your website. Importing the Database files to your mysql phpmyadmin Adding The HTML head AND body parts (1 line of code each) to activate the plugin on each page you want it to be applied on. Features: unlimited number of channels. no registration required. private messages. ajax based. emoticons. antispam detection and muting. modifiable bad words censor. ability to set an automatic default channel to join. automatic url to valid hyperlinks detection. lightweight. adjustable convenient set of options/styles. easy installation.

As easy as adding 2 lines of codes in ur page:

Head Section

<?php include "livechat/inc/head-include.php" ?>

Body Section

<?php include "livechat/inc/body-include.php" ?>

Configurations (Options) Gateways live chat, provides convenient configuration options, that can be easily edited through 1 file.

livechatwidth: the width of the chat wrapper

livechatheight: the height of the chat wrapper

overlay_opacity: the transparency of the dark overlay login screen. range:(0.0 – 1.0)

footer_color: the background color of the footer

header_color: the background color of the header

header_text_color: the font color fo the header

messages_background: the background color of the messages area

userlist_background: the background color of the userlist area

CurrentUser_Color: the background color of the current user in the users list

OtherUsers_Color: the background color for other users in the users list

full_screen: full screen mode (Fit to screen size)

Default_Channel: set the default Channel Name

ActivityUpdate_Refresh_Rate: refresh time for updating the user presence status.

UpdateUsersList_Refresh_Rate: refersh rate for updating the online users list.

GetMessages_Refresh_Rate: refresh rate for retrieving new messages.

chat_block_time: the Chat Block time when SPAM is detected.


10 Nov. 2012: bug fixes.