Sexy Bootstrap Skin

Last Update
5 November 2012
Regular License
Extended License

The very same Twitter Bootstrap but with a sexy layout The best feature that I can say is that it’s so compatible with even future versions of Bootstrap, you can easily use the original bootstrap in your projects then insert sexy bootstrap to over write the original styles and it works perfect Although it’s better to use the sexy bootstrap instead of the original one (as we don’t know what features bootstrap going to have for its next version!), we tried to add and over write most of the styles so that if bootstrap got updated and you liked to use the original bootstrap to take advantage of the updated features then you have no worries about ruining your custom style!

Just simply include sexy bootstrap right after the original one in your HTML files and you’re skin is changed!

Main Features

Responsive layout Clean & easy to use Well documented Cross-browser Compatible So compatible with the next versions of Bootstrap