Smart HTML Protector

Last Update
20 November 2012

Smart HTML Protector is a tool that helps you protect the content of your web page by preventing others from viewing your source code. Additionally, it will prevent people from viewing the website if downloaded using automated downloaders. Smart HTML Protector offers JavaScript based encryption methods to choose from and a variety of other features like right click disable, printing disable, disable offline browsing and more! In short it helps to encrypt your html code. Its an HTML Encryptor.

Prevent others from making unauthorized copies of you web pages While users will still be able to view your web pages and save it to their local disk, the pages are encrypted by Smart HTML Protector so that the user will not be able to understand its source code, which will prevent them from using the code on their own pages.


Only one click needed to encrypt multiple files or even an entire directory Prevent people from using automated downloaders to download your entire web site Handles all HTML files, regardless of size Retains your pages integrity so your encrypted file looks identical to the original Compatible with all Java enabled browsers like Internet Explorer, Netscape Navigator, Mozilla, FireFox and Opera Disable right click abilities on pages Disable the ability to select text. Disable the ability to view your pages offline Disable page printing Simple, easy-to-operate user interface

HOW IT WORKS >> Smart HTML Protector protects your web page by encrypting the HTML source code. When a visitor opens your webpage in a browser, the code will be automatically decrypted by a JavaScript that is written in your source code when encrypted. If the visitor tries to view the source code directly, they will only be able to view the encrypted data that they will not understand. Smart HTML Protector also offers other webpage protection techniques like disabling right click, offline viewing, disable printing, etc.

One thing that needs to be clarified is the fact that there is no 100% pure protection of HTML due to limitations of the language. However, Smart HTML Protector makes a good line of defense that will be very difficult for someone to break through; since only the most skilled HTML and JavaScript users will be able to get around the security.

Note: With protection on, this really does not preserve your pages, as there are several ways to counter protection. For example, under Firefox, to disable this “protection”: Go to menu “Tools”> “Options”> “Web Features”> “Advanced” and uncheck “Disable or replace context menu”. You can also disable JavaScript or use a browser that does not support it.