jQuery Context Menu Plugin

Last Update
9 November 2012
Regular License
Extended License

Stable and light right click menu for Your website or product!

Easy installation:

<div contextmenu="YOUR_MENU_ID" />

Example menu structure declaration:

var testMenu = new ContextMenu('testMenu');

testMenu.addItem('test', 'My label', 'path/to/ico.png', function (){ alert('clicked!'); });


Unlimited number of menu and menu items. Icons support Automatic menu activation by html attribute (< div contextmenu=”MY_MENU” >) Adding/Removing items Hidding/Showing hidden items Adding/Removing separators Disabling/Enabling items CSS based design Easy to integrate Tested and light jQuery plugin 5 themes included – If You want, You can edit any theme

Quick documentation included.

If You have any questions, please give me comment or send PM. Thank You.