NNTextView with placeholder

Last Update
4 November 2012
Regular License
Extended License

The placeholder that is standart feature of UITextField is very usefull. You can let user know what input in a particular field. But sometimes you need let input more then one row of text. What will you do? Of cource you use UITextView. But it’s looking as simple white square and it not supported placeholder. In some cases you need that UITextArea looks like UITextField within support multiline and placeholder. This component help you with it. It’s very simple to add it in your project and start using right now. You will receive: Component NNTextView ( XCode class). Full demo project with example how to use component. Documentation describing all the steps and action.

Component support full features of standart UITextArea, you can set texColor, align, autoresizing and all other paramters of UITExtView in Interface Builder or in you code. And it’s look like standart UITextField, I think it’s more pleasent in some cases. This component for XCode 3.x – 4.x and works on all iOS Devices Project features:

TextView with support placeholder text TextView looks like a TextField Ability to use standart features and parameters of UITextView Easily add component to your XCode project Work on XCode 3.x – 4.x

Works on iOS 3.x – iOS 6.x

Awesome and Quick support

Component features:

Easily add to your project (No rows added to your code, just drag and drop in Interface Builder) Set parameters of component by Interface Builder Set parameters of component in code Full support standart UITextView features and parameters

What you get:

XCode classe with complete working component Full demo project with example how to use component.

Detailed documentation

Step by step user guide “How to use and how to add component in your App”