iTV - Streaming TV for iPhone and iPad

Last Update
4 November 2012
Regular License
Extended License

iTV is a full native App for iPhone and iPad, 100% customizable, it has been created for a developer who wants to sell easily an App in the App Store. You will notice that in the AppStore’s Top 20 there is always between 1 or 3 Apps of TV online!

iTV is already setup for you with 40 channels and it is easily customizable, the App uses remote XML files to update the channels and content of the app whenever you want without need to update it through the App Store.

iTV follow strictly the requirement of Apple for Live streaming. For more information please see the documentation about Apple HTTP live streaming :


- Easy configuration – no need to have knowledge of Objective C

- Optimized Retina display and IOS6

- Support iPhone5 screen size

- Google Analytics integrated

- XML files to update channels list

- Support HTTP Live Streaming .m3u8 video streaming

- Complete Tutorial to setup the App

More information available on the Screenshots page and video description. If you have any doubts, please feel free to contact me.

Video demo: