Grouping Widget

Last Update
20 December 2012
Regular License
Extended License

Do you want to have a multitab widgets? In accordion or toggle layouts? This plugin gives you a total control for your widget layouts using the inactive sidebar widget. Every widget can be edited, added or deleted from the inactive sidebar. You can group widgets in tabs mode, toggles or accordions. Supports multi-instances and you can use as many grouping as you want. Arranging widget position becomes very easy with the jQuery UI drag drop system.

Key Features & options Supports All Widgets All registered widgets can be attached.Grouping Styles in tabs, accordions or toggles.Drag & Drop for attaching and arranging the attached widgets position.Multi-instances can be used multiple times in a sidebar widget.Custom Title Icons option to add custom icon for active or inactive toggles or accordions.Intro text & Outro text, if you want to add additional text or HTML.Custom Style & Script if you want to add additional CSS style or javascript per widget selector or global.Testimonials chipperson says Well done! thanks for the great plugin -Definitely 5-Stars for this one

GH7 says Listen Zourbuth is great – had a problem with my new plugin from him and he jumped right on it. We figured it out together, got rid of the offending plugin from another source – and got it working in like 10 min. Really professional – will be buying from this dude again and again!

Changes Log 1.0.[ Initial Release ]

Support and Features Request This plugin does not match to your site style? Is this script not quite working as it should? Having trouble installing? Or need some custom modifications that aren’t already included? Or you want more features on next release? Feel free to get in touch about any of your queries via profile page.