nyLON Subscription form - WP Plugin

Last Update
29 March 2013
Regular License
Extended License

Easy Newsletter subscription form builder that allow subscribe to download type lead generation that also manages subscribers list. Which can be downloaded as CSV. Demo Link – front end

Create Subscribe & Download type lead generation forms

You can present a download link or a page for successful subscriber as a reward. Effectively you can use this as a lead generation method. You can also email this info to successful subscriber.

Send automatic notifications to subscribers

Get your audience involved by sending email notifications to your subscribers when a new blog post is published.

Subscription confirmation and new blog post emails Customize almost all the aspects of the form and its look

Match the form to your website’s color scheme very easily. Whether its the border colors, font color of font style you can customize it to blend with the rest of your site.

Subscriber list management and CSV subscriber list

Download a complete data set of the subscriber list as CSV file to use with other email campaigns.

Other Cool Features

Ability to verify email addresses before adding to the subscription list Set subject lines for auto email messages Easy-to-customize form Automatically notify subscribers when new blog posts are published AJAX form validation and submission Responsive design fit everywhere

Change log

= 1.3 [2013-3-31]= * Database update error fixed

= 1.2 [3-7-2013]= * Email verification before subscribing * Ability to set subject lines for emails * Subscriber email addresses are not visible any more * Fixed other bugs and made various improvements

= 1.1 [11-13-2012] = * Added the ability to select blog post categories for subscription * Added auto new post notification control for each individual post * Form can now be shown as a popup form prompted by subscribe button * Leaner and faster settings storing and retrieving to wp_options * Updated backend settings management UI/UX

= 1.0 [10-29-2012] = * Initial release