FlipBlog Ipad for Wordpress

Last Update
20 November 2012
Regular License
Extended License

We are currently updating our plugin and source code to compatible with wordpress 3.6


ITEM VERSION Current Version v1.3 - Bugs fixed : Category images issued - Bugs fixed : Date issued - New Admin Feature : “Category Exclude”

Version v1.2 - Special Characters Issued - Minor Bugs Fixed

Version v1.1 - Bugs Fixed…

Need iPhone version for this item ?? http://codecanyon.net/item/flipblog-iphone-for-wordpress/3371002

For those who already bought FlipBlogIPhone and want to make universal app, please follow this tutorial. Otherwise just ignore this tutorial. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IcaynSVV8Pc&feature=youtu.be

VIDEO DEMO http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BBnIRyi45M8

LIVE DEMO IN APP STORE Some of the buyer for this item is already in the App Store. https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/bookmarker-football/id579508923?ls=1&mt=8 KEY FEATURES 1. Intergrated with Wordpress Content,category,menu,page & post can be control using your wordpress.2. 5 Minutes installation and you’re ready to submit to the App Store Just install FlipBlog Plugin in your wordpress & everything run like a magic.

3 iOS 5 & 6 Ready Support latest platform

4. Multi Orientation Support all rotation

5. Intergrated with social media User can comment and share your blog post directlly from thier iPad

6.Intergrated with Wordpress Multi nested menu You can customize your page by your own e.g link,page or post categories.

7. Intergrated with Wordpress Multilevel Category Even your blog have 10 levels of categories. No problem with FlipBlog.

8. Variety of post template Either you want to show a full image or maybe like a news style.

9. WYSIWYG Supported What you see in your post is what you get in FlipBlog

10. Support Retina Display All images was supported @2x